Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious studies series. 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Қолдау өкілі: Амангельдиев Асан Әзімханұлы Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Title:</strong> "Bulletin of the L. Gumilyov ENU Series: Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious studies"</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong> </a>Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sydykov Yerlan Battashevich.</p> <p><strong>Certificate of registration of mass media:</strong> no.<a href="">KZ11VPY00039795</a> dated 07.09.2021</p> <p><strong>ISSN 2616-7255 ISSN (онлайн) 2663-2489</strong></p> <p><strong>Subscription index</strong>. <strong>76096 <a href="">(ENU Journals<span class="redactor-invisible-space">)</span></a></strong></p> <p><strong><span class="redactor-invisible-space">The journal's editorial policy was approved on August 07, 2020, and is available<a href=""> here.</a></span></strong></p> <p> <strong>DOI of the journal:</strong> 10.32523/2616-7255</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong> – 4 times a year.</p> <p><strong>Languages:</strong> Kazakh, English, Russian</p> <p><strong>Review:</strong> Double blind reviewing process</p> <p><strong>Founder and publisher:</strong> NAO “L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University", Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan</p> <p>The journal "Bulletin of the L. Gumilyov ENU Series: Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies" is a peer–reviewed open access scientific journal that publishes original scientific works in all areas of theoretical and applied research in the field of subject, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary fields of social and humanitarian sciences: history, archaeology, anthropology, philosophy, cultural studies, religious studies. The brand of the journal is an interdisciplinary synthesis combining unique thematic areas of social and humanitarian research.</p> Methods of Applying the “Liberal Arts” Model in Teaching Philosophy 2024-03-16T06:47:20+00:00 Aiymzhan Ryskiyeva Aygulim Aitbayeva Nurlan Muminov <p>In the article, the authors draw attention to new technologies that are important for a modern specialist, including a model of liberal arts and sciences that can respond to rapidly changing market demands, i.e. constantly improve and modernize knowledge, be flexible to go beyond the narrow limits of acquired skills within the profession. The value of the model lies in the presence of interdisciplinary connections and interactivity of the educational process, as well as, unlike other technologies, in the way students choose the main and additional areas of specialization and the features of the status and role of teachers. According to the authors, one of the rational sides of the model is that it applies to educational programs, is built favorably following the student's will to choose, and is aimed at forming a personality capable of thinking critically, rather than accumulating ready-made knowledge. The article also presents the directions of technology (first-year seminar, collective tasks and projects, practical training with elements of social activity, etc.), which have been tested in many universities in Europe, Asia, and Russia, and proved their effectiveness. Summarizing their reflections, the authors conclude that in countries where higher education is under the pressure of narrow specialization and strict didactic approaches to learning, the model of liberal arts and science can become a unique alternative approach that will receive the support of students and teachers.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Local cultural memory of Ulytau: the sacralisation of the area by means of symbolic forms encoding 2024-02-27T08:28:20+00:00 Farida Mussatayeva <p>In the modern memory research, it is customary to distinguish the cultural and historical memory. Cultural memory is formed by the media-participants of the event, based on generational values, it has the ability to the constantly transformation. Whereas historical memory is a combination of knowledge and ideas about events in the past, accumulated through the information environment controlled by the authorities.</p> <p>Applying these theoretical developments to the analysis of nation-forming processes in Kazakhstan, in this research paper, we pay attention to to the practice of constructing sacred places of memory or special places of national worship. Considering that the toponym Ulytau gave the name to a new administrative entity, this is of interest how knowledge about the cultural landscape revitalizes in the Ulytau district. After all, within the Soviet period, it can be stated that much knowledge was literally displaced to the periphery of socio-humanities in Kazakhstan. Whereas from a certain period Ulytau is beginning to stay in the position as a special historical centre – a landmark value for cultural memory. In this regard, the research work based on the study of the processes of Ulytau transformation into a powerful modernization concept of cultural memory restoration carries out through the sacralisation of the area.</p> <p>The article completed within the framework of a dissertation research on the topic “Cultural landscape: research problems”.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Metaphysical aspects of the virtual educational environment 2024-02-27T09:50:28+00:00 Raigul Salimova Saniya Edelbay Maira Kozhamzharova Saltanat Aubakirova <p>The modern world is characterized by digitalization of all spheres of society. Information technologies have been actively introduced into the educational space and contributed to the formation of a virtual educational environment. It has become an integral part of the educational process. It should be noted that the digitalization of education and the formation of a virtual educational environment are not just another computer technologies, but significant achievements of modern science and technology, the emergence of which has contributed to global changes in human life and consciousness.</p> <p>Today, a virtual educational environment is a space created with the help of computer technology in which subjects of educational activities learn and exchange information. It provides new opportunities for knowledge, communication and interaction. However, it is important to understand that such an environment is considered not only as a technological tool, but also as an area that includes metaphysical aspects that force us to pay attention to its nature in a new way, its influence on human consciousness and thinking, and its interrelation with reality.</p> <p>Thus, in the educational aspect, digitalization has contributed to the emergence of many problems associated with the virtualization of the educational space.</p> <p>The authors of this article strive to consider the philosophical aspects of the virtual educational environment, show its significance and impact on the educational process, positive achievements and potential problems that arose in the process of the formation of virtual reality technologies in the educational process optimization.</p> <p>At the same time, the authors of the article share the position that virtual reality technologies are an integral phenomenon of the modern educational process.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Islamic modernism in India in the second half of the 19th century and Sayit Ahmed Khan 2024-02-29T06:06:12+00:00 Бурхананадин Абдилхаким <p>In the 19th century, when the industrial revolution was taking place in Europe, and the major powers were colonizing the world continent, there were religious changes in the Indian subcontinent. These processes are closely related to the above two factors. Because in 1857, India officially came under British rule. During this period, the Muslims, who were a minority in the Indian subcontinent, were under the pressure of the Christianization of the British authorities on the one hand, and the Indian missionaries on the other hand. Muslims lost their political power in the Indian country, which they had ruled for centuries, and the Islamic education system collapsed. Indian Muslims sought a way out of this difficult situation from religious traditionalism, religious fundamentalism, and also religious modernism. It is the latter that interests us in this article. Modernists sought to reform religious dogmas on the basis of rationality and reason. They believed that the way out of the deadlock was to return to the basic, that is, to the Qur'an. Modernists divided the Qur'anic rulings into two types: permanent, which must be fulfilled, and transitory, which is not considered mandatory. Indian modernists criticized medieval Muslim scholars and encouraged the Muslim community to benefit from Western science and technology. And in political matters, they often supported the British government or took a passive position.</p> <p>The article comprehensively covers the innovative ideas of 19th-century Indian modernists on religion, Islamic law, and Islamic history, including the views of Sayyid Ahmed Khan, considered the leader of Islamic modernists in India. We will also focus on the critical views of groups such as Deobandism and Hadithism, which were against the modernist direction.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Ch.T. Aitmatov: a constructivist dimension of desontologization as a challenge of technogenic civilization 2023-06-25T12:18:56+00:00 Кuluypa Аlieva <p>The article highlights the problem of dezotologization as a challenge to technogenic civilization. The author sees in the formation of the realities of a contemporary possible assumption in the interaction of man-nature-society. The basis of cultural self-identification and self-preservation of the Kyrgyz is explained as the unity of the nomadic spirit, the polymorphic Kyrgyz reality and the transcendent rebellion of freedom. Its types are shown: zaman – social time, abal – states, dynyyө – everyday life.This problem is revealed by humanist Ch.T. Aitmatov, who outlines the contours of the future concept of «Kyrgyz world».In his works, Ch.T. Aitmatov sets the preconditions for the formation of Kyrgyz ontological modernity. Boundless heroes of socio-cultural constructs come out from under the pen of the writer: the boy-fish, mankurt, tavro and falling mountains. These heroes of Aitmatov’s world warn of the deformation and depersonalization of the world, pushing the truths and blurring the boundaries. He derives his constructivist dimension of this socioanthropogenesis through understanding the inner world (presence, will, meaning and purpose) of his countrymen</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Epistemology of Ibn Sina: being and knowledge 2024-03-13T21:19:26+00:00 Madina Zhakan Raushan Imanzhusip <p><strong> </strong>This article examines the philosophical views of Ibn Sina, which are the highest peak of philosophy. In general, the main goal of the study is to analyze the philosophical teachings and views of the medieval scientist and physician Ibn Sina by presenting him as the first philosopher who systematized philosophy and brought it to highest peak. It also tells how the thinker viewed and studied philosophy as a science. That is, according to Ibn Sina, he believed that philosophy first considers being, and then studies the objects generated by being. The Thinker defines the essence as “Wujud”. And it proves that the necessary cause of Wujud is God. In the philosophical teachings of Ibn Sina, God is defined by the word Haq. The thinker does not consider the relationship between God and nature as a relationship between the creator and the created, but views them as an interacting cause-and-effect relationship.</p> <p>Along with this, the article covers issues that, according to the thinker, are the main issues of philosophy. This is the problem of man, the essence, being, physical and spiritual development of man. This article also outlines issues such as spase, time, soul, body and issues of the general theory of knowledge. The thinker solved this problem on the basis of intelligence and practice. In practice, relying on what exists in objects of the external world, he deduces natural patterns from them. Experimental, sensory knowledge, according to Ibn Sina, is the first stage of knowledge of nature. At the same time, the thinker deeply and comprehensively explored the role and power of the senses in the process of cognition.</p> <p> </p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Audience of traditional art in Kazakh steppe 2024-03-16T06:53:27+00:00 Aidos Makulbekov Gulzada Abdalieva <p>This article considers the evolution of the stage art audience formation in the traditional society of the Kazakh steppe civilization, linking it to the ancient historical, cultural, and ritual processes of our people, as well as to the very origin of the earliest form of stage art. We regard the future improvement of the artistic culture of today's spectator on the assumption that cultural and spiritual continuity between different generations of spectators of the Kazakh steppe will not be broken. Consequently, it becomes obvious that this position is a trend characteristic of the world history of art.</p> <p>For example, folk art activities in other countries are based on the traditional entertainment of the gathered audience. In general, the origin of art is closely intertwined with folk art. They are inextricably related and cannot develop without each other. This phenomenon is confirmed by numerous facts from the history of world theater. There is every reason to come to a scientific conclusion that this position is applicable to the formation of artistic public. We can say that various kinds of entertaining folk games and festive performances, originating in real scenes of nomadic life of the Kazakh people, developed on the basis of national customs and were the initial stage of formation of spectators and listeners of arts and crafts of the traditional Kazakh civilization. Examining the rich cultural history of the steppe, we believe that the study of the audience of the performing arts in the traditional Kazakh society is of great scientific theoretical and practical importance.</p> <p>This issue is still in the category of topics not considered in the framework of scientific research of the national culture philosophy. It is known from history that centuries-old cultural heritage of the steppe region and Kazakh people has a diverse and rich content, along with its own unique style. It is culture that plays a huge role in the vitality of any nation. If we consider the identification of a nation through the prism of its contribution to the development of mankind, then national art is just that distinctive feature that helps defining the nation. Thus, the spiritual contribution of the Kazakh people to world culture is determined, first of all, by its national art.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Visual image of "happy childhood" in the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya pravda" (1960 s) 2023-06-09T13:30:54+00:00 Maisara Bekmagambetova Ruslan Bekmagambetov Aigul Bimoldanova <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> <em>Introduction. </em>This study analyzes visual sources on Soviet childhood, placed in the periodical "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda". This topic has not been covered in the national historiography. The content of the periodical in the field of childhood is analyzed for the first time. For a long period, the newspaper was the main daily printed mass media of the Communist Party at the republican level, reflecting the state policy. The research was carried out in the context of visual anthropology. Through the analysis of visual content the mechanisms and technologies of formation of the Soviet identity of the new younger generation are revealed. Visual sources, expressed mainly by photographs, presented children in the format of "happy Soviet childhood". The newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" necessarily touched upon children's topics timed to dates: New Year and New Year vacations, International Children's Day, Knowledge Day, etc. As a rule, these articles were accompanied by photographs serving both informative and propaganda functions. Children and accompanying adults on the photographs were the embodiment of the Soviet image. Visual children content placed in the main republican newspaper demonstrated not the existing reality, but the desired one, thus constructing social expectations.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maisara Bekmagambetova, Ruslan Bekmagambetov, Aigul Bimoldanova Rethinking the "production of knowledge" as a methodological approach in historical research 2023-09-18T02:30:33+00:00 Zhanar Jampeissova Кarlygash Bizhigitova <p>The article is devoted to theoretical approaches in contemporary works of foreign authors who study the issues of "knowledge production" within the constructivist methodology. The historiography of this topic is quite extensive. It is based on the study of the relationship between science and power. One of the main aspects of this problem is the consideration of scientific interpretations that could serve to justify political regimes or the transformation of knowledge to serve the interests of power. Especially the study of this aspect of the connection between knowledge and power was expressed in studies on the interaction of authorities with the scientific community, which ensured the interests of empires in the conquered territories.</p> <p>In the proposed analysis of articles, attention is focused on the sources of clichés that were formed within the framework of evolutionary theory, colonial explanatory schemes, which have not yet received a complete rethinking. In this regard, the article mentions the theoretical roots of discourse analysis. The attention is paid to the study of the British scholar Bernard Cohn, who undertook a study of the imperial practices of the British in India. The article also analyzes the works devoted to the rethinking of statements relating to some pages of the history of Kazakhstan, formulated in the colonial period. The relevance of popularizing the deconstruction of colonial knowledge lies in the fact of its presence in contemporary interpretations of history in a huge range of topics that require critical analysis. In this regard, the analysis of foreign works, including those related to the history of Kazakhstan, is likely to be useful and increase interest in such studies</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zhanar Jampeissova, Кarlygash Bizhigitova Research results of the Terisakkan-Ishim river valley monuments 2024-02-16T07:29:06+00:00 Daniyar Duysenbai Aibar Kassenali Aysulu Shokatova <p>The article deals with the results of research and prospecting works carried out in 2023 in a small area within the basin of Terisakkan and Yesil rivers. Modern digital methods were used in the search works, and new opportunities for studying monuments were considered. The expedition discovered 70 monuments. Most of them belong to the ancient sites of the Early Iron Age. The expedition focused on 2 main directions: monuments of the antique and ethnographic periods. Along with large burial mounds, such as Saryoba and Baubek batyr, a significant number of small burials were also discovered. All burials are located on the plain, close to the river. Monuments of the XIX-XX centuries were considered in two directions: Kazakh winter camps and tombs in the form of graves. Kazakh winter camps are mainly located on promontories along the river. The vast majority of buildings was made of straw bricks and lacked stone foundations. One of the buildings had a small excavation. The findings of the objects date the monuments to the ethnographic period. The burials are built in the form of tombs and simple graves. The study of archaeological sites located in the Kos River basin is considered as an area of particular importance in studying the archaeology of the Northern Saryarka.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Daniyar Duysenbai, Aibar Kassenali, Aysulu Shokatova National projects of the Alash intelligence in the field of education 2024-03-07T04:53:29+00:00 Tengesh Kalenova Gaukhar Abdrakhmanova Zauresh Kolumbaeva <p>The article examines the foundations of the statehood of Alash autonomy, defined in the draft program of the national political party ”Alash”. The idea of establishing Kazakh statehood served as the foundation for several politically significant problems pertaining to the interests of the people in the party program. Prosperity was the route that the Alash intelligence suggested for the establishment of a state. The Science-Education agenda of the Alash party, as outlined in Section IX, provides the theoretical framework for the national educational objectives of intellectuals. Alash leaders carried out national projects for the advancement of science and education in the nation even after the Soviet Union came into power. Alash intellectuals focused a lot of attention on educational reform in the 1920s. In an effort to raise educational standards, Alash intellectuals formed new model schools and wrote the requisite manuals for all of the country's schools. The National Intelligence, which linked the new alphabet issue to education, also gave it some thought in the 1920s. It was essential to provide education on a national scale because Kazakh students attend national schools. Thus, the class ideology of the Bolsheviks and the nationalist ideology of the Alash engaged in an unyielding conflict during the early years of the Soviet regime.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tengesh Kalenova , Gaukhar Abdrakhmanova, Zauresh Kolumbaeva The results of complex interdisciplinary work on the monuments of Shubarat and Molaly in the context of the Zhetysu culture of ancient time and the Late Middle Ages 2024-01-26T15:14:38+00:00 Yeldos Kariyev Daniyar Tleugabulov Azamat Dukombayev Adil Eginbay <p>The article presents the progress and results of a complex of interdisciplinary research works carried out on one of the most significant monuments in the scientifically little-explored subdistrict of Zhetysu – the burial grounds of Shubarat and Molaly in the vicinity of the village of Shamalgan in the Karasai district of the Almaty region. The stages of scientific work are described in detail, consisting of reconnaissance work within the administrative territory of the Shamalgan rural district, excavation of a wide range of monuments and carrying out a complex of security and popularization works aimed at protecting archaeological and ethnoarchaeological monuments within the Shubarat and Molaly burial grounds and preventing possible destructive conscious and unconscious actions of local residents, robbers, land users and others in relation to historical and cultural monuments. A number of new archaeological sites and ethnographic wintering sites of the late XIX - early XX centuries were recorded during exploration and prospecting. Within the limits of these monuments, both funerary and memorial monuments of the Saka-Wusun period and Kazakh wintering grounds of the ethnographic period have been studied. In the process of security and rescue operations, a set of works and measures have been carried out that have a positive impact and will have an impact on the preservation of priceless historical and cultural monuments. The results of the conducted complex of scientific works are summarized and the preliminary dates of all the studied monuments are given.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yeldos Kariyev, Daniyar Tleugabulov , Azamat Dukombayev, Adil Eginbay Historical policy of the Republic of Turkmenistan during the presidency of S.A. Niyazov (1991−2006) 2023-12-28T16:46:17+00:00 Nikita Kosyak <p>The article discusses the issues of formation of the historical policy of the Republic of Turkmenistan under the presidency of S.A. Niyazov (1991-2006). The basic concepts of the origin of the Turkmen nation are analyzed. The idea is substantiated that the Rukhnama is the fundamental epic in the forma-tion of historical policy in the republic. Attention is drawn to the figure of S.A. Niyazov as key figures in the historical politics of the republic. In addition, the article examines the figures of the father and mother of the first President of Turkmenistan. Their impo-rtant component in creating a commemorative nar-rative together with the figure of Turkmenbashi is emphasized. The key attention in the article is paid to the formation of the commemorative calendar of the republic, as one of the factors in the action of his-torical policy in the country. The key memorable dates that testify to the history and origins of the emergence of Turkmen statehood are analyzed. The main legal acts and news portals are considered, indicating the formation of commemorative practices in the Republic of Turkmenistan from 1991 to 2006.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nikita Kosyak The fate of the leaders of the Black -Hundred movement in Soviet Russia: modern Russian historiography 2023-12-21T15:15:39+00:00 Artem Kuritsyn <p>The article discusses the issues of the formation of the historical policy of the Republic of Turkmenistan under the presidency of S.A. Niyazov (1991-2006). The basic concepts of the origin of the Turkmen nation are analyzed. The idea is substantiated that the Rukhnama is the fundamental epic in the formation of historical policy in the republic. Attention is drawn to the figure of S.A. Niyazov as key figures in the historical politics of the republic. In addition, the article examines the figures of the father and mother of the first President of Turkmenistan. Their important component in creating a commemorative narrative together with the figure of Turkmenbashi is emphasized. The key attention in the article is paid to the formation of the commemorative calendar of the republic, as one of the factors in the action of historical policy in the country. The key memorable dates that testify to the history and origins of the emergence of Turkmen statehood are analyzed. The main legal acts and news portals are considered, indicating the formation of commemorative practices in the Republic of Turkmenistan from 1991 to 2006. The important role of memory institutions is highlighted. Much attention is paid to international, scientific, educational and cultural (museum) organizations that have a significant influence on the formation of the country's institutional and commemorative policy. The main tasks and directions of activity of specialized memory structures are analyzed.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Artem Kuritsyn "Represents fertile ground for the development of the recalcitrant spirit of the population". Karkaraly district in the documents of the Omsk gendarme department at the beginning of the 20th century 2023-03-23T14:08:58+00:00 Dmitry Legkiy Yerden Ibrayev <p>The archival documents confirm that the police department at the beginning of the 20th century carried out a deep analysis of the socio-political situation, primarily negative processes in the national outskirts of the Russian Empire, foreseeing their undesirable result for state development in the context of modernization and the simultaneous strengthening of the social and revolutionary movement in the Steppe region. The materials of the article confirm that, despite the defeat of the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907, the general crisis of the autocratic form of government intensified, which resulted in the failure of the colonial policy on the territory of the national outskirts of the Russian Empire, including Kazakhstan. This can be seen on the example of studying the documents of the office of the Orenburg Governor, the Omsk gendarmerie department on the situation in the Karkaralinsky district at the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, an analysis of archival materials is being carried out, how the police supervision of Akhmet Baitursynov was carried out. Sources identified in the course of work with the funds of the State Archives of the Russian Federation, the State Archives of the Orenburg Region, allowed the authors to study the details of the political investigation behind the leaders Alash, A. Baitursynov and his closest associates. The study allows us to understand the forms and methods of political investigation in the Russian Empire by the gendarmerie and the police, to find out who directly carried out this policy in the Orenburg province and the Steppe region. The general conclusion is the thesis that the Kazakh national intelligentsia, despite the opposition and repressive measures on the part of the tsarist authorities, became an integral part of the people's liberation movement in the countries of the East.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dmitry Legkiy, Yerden Ibrayev Gratitude Day: the role of cultural heritage in the construction of a common identity and symbolic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2024-01-26T17:53:31+00:00 Zubaida Suraganova Nurbek Pusyrmanov Erkebulan Amangosov Albina Kultaeva <p>This paper is written on the basis of analysing the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who initiated the Day of Gratitude in 2015. The research explores the official concept of the holiday, examining its key ideas, media content related to the celebration, materials providing insights into the history of the formation of the multiethnic community - the people of Kazakhstan, and oral-historical evidences of various peoples deportation to the territory of the Republic. The use of historical documents and field materials allows for the identification of the cultural foundations of the holiday, resulting from the historical and cultural trauma and collective memory of the Kazakh people. The analysis of sources not only reveals the fundamental basis of the celebratory date but also identifies another important aspect - the influence of traditional hospitality practices that institutionally provided the reception of non-indigenous populations in Kazakhstan. The scientific significance of this work lies in its interdisciplinary historical-anthropological approach, expanding the boundaries of understanding the historical and cultural foundations of the holiday's actualisation. The methodological framework of the article is grounded in the theories of hospitality, memory, empathy, and symbolic politics, allowing for the uncovering of implicit foundations of the examined celebration. Examining the official concept of the Gratitude Day for its interpretation as a holiday elucidating the history and stages of the formation of the republic's multiethnic community. Additionally, it serves as the basis for constructing social and political unity – the people of Kazakhstan. The practical significance of the conducted research lies in the scientifically substantiated identification of the constructive foundations of the Day of Gratitude, obtained from the shared historical destiny of the people of Kazakhstan, as well as in providing an addition to the official concept of the holiday.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zubaida Suraganova, Nurbek Pusyrmanov, Erkebulan Amangosov, Albina Kultaeva Kemel Tokayev in the years of the Great Patriotic war (based on the novel "A soldier who went to war") 2023-07-07T12:58:45+00:00 Madiyar Shakiyev Tlegen Sadykov Igor Zherebtsov <p>The article describes the participation of Kemel Tokayev in the major battles of the Don, 1st Ukrainian, 2nd Belarusian fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The author tries to reveal the main points of the battle path of the researched person’s battle path in the 226th Rifle Division and the 7th Guards Tank Regiment breakthrough of the Red Army. It also gives a brief information on the scale of the heavy battle and Kazakhstan’s contribution to the struggle for the liberation of the conquered territory. Special attention is paid to Kemel Tokayev’s autobiographical novel «Soldier went to war», where the content indicates the time intervals of the events. The author of the article used documents of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense and the Central State Archive of the Russian Federation, publications of contemporaries in periodicals and a book of memory of a member of the family, Collective monographs and historical and documentary collections of domestic scientists about the Great Patriotic War. Maps supplementing and characterizing the actions of the tank regiment in combat operations helped to improve the accuracy of the data presented in visual form. Comparing the contents of Kemel Tokayev’s work with the information contained in archival documents, it was found that the literary work has a historical background. In conclusion of the research it was noted that the awards received by the veteran writer were the logical conclusion of the battle path of struggle stressing the need for detailed research in this direction. It was also noted that the development of a new detective genre in Kazakh literature is directly related to the name of Kemel Tokayev.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Madiyar Shakiyev, Tlegen Sadykov, Igor Zherebtsov