National projects of the Alash intelligence in the field of education

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Alash; autonomy; party; education, intelligentsia; 1920, school, project; alphabet; textbook.
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The article examines the foundations of the statehood of Alash autonomy, defined in the draft program of the national political party ”Alash”. The idea of establishing Kazakh statehood served as the foundation for several politically significant problems pertaining to the interests of the people in the party program. Prosperity was the route that the Alash intelligence suggested for the establishment of a state. The Science-Education agenda of the Alash party, as outlined in Section IX, provides the theoretical framework for the national educational objectives of intellectuals. Alash leaders carried out national projects for the advancement of science and education in the nation even after the Soviet Union came into power. Alash intellectuals focused a lot of attention on educational reform in the 1920s. In an effort to raise educational standards, Alash intellectuals formed new model schools and wrote the requisite manuals for all of the country's schools. The National Intelligence, which linked the new alphabet issue to education, also gave it some thought in the 1920s. It was essential to provide education on a national scale because Kazakh students attend national schools. Thus, the class ideology of the Bolsheviks and the nationalist ideology of the Alash engaged in an unyielding conflict during the early years of the Soviet regime.


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