The procedure for reviewing manuscripts of scientific articles
All manuscripts of scientific articles, received in the editorial office are d.
- The editor sends it for review to two specialists who have a scientific specialization close to the topic of the article.
- The review is conducted confidentially. Neither the reviewer nor the author is informed of each other's personal data and/or scientific affiliation (double-blind peer review).
- The review period is 30 calendar days. The editor informs the author by e-mail of the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript in accordance with the results of the review, or of the need for further development.
- If the review contains recommendations to correct and finalize the article, the text of the review is sent to the author of the article with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them in a reasoned manner. The deadline for finalizing the article is one month. In case of refusal to finalize the article, the authors must notify the editorial office in writing of their decision. If the authors do not return the revised version after three months from the date of submission of the review, the editorial board removes it from the publication plan. The authors are notified of the withdrawal of the manuscript from registration due to the expiration of the deadline for revision.
- If the article is rejected, the editorial board sends the author the text of the negative review. An article not recommended by the reviewer for publication is not accepted for re-examination.