Authorship and contribution to the publication
AUTHORSHIP: assumes responsibility for the stages of work carried out by him personally, the concept of a scientific article, the preliminary collection, analysis, interpretation of revealed archival or other materials, including statistics. Scientific and methodological support of the intellectual content of the article up to the final stage, considering the critical comments of the reviewers. Author’s approval of the final version accepted for publication and responsibility for its contents.
CO-AUTHORSHIP: implies the integrity and responsibility of each co-author who made a significant contribution to the writing of the article. Our journal requires that all authors have an equal contribution to the article and have equal responsibility for its content.
The corresponding author takes responsibility for communication with the journal at all stages of the article submission algorithm, compliance of the article with the requirements and design rules of the journal, organization of work according to the comments of reviewers and provision of an adjusted version of the article.
Conflicts of interest must be excluded in the team of authors; if any, authors must inform the journal about it. Each member of the authors team must meet the copyright criteria. In working with the team of authors, the journal relies on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)—see. Here
CONTRIBUTION: The author’s team is listed at the beginning of the article and is repeated in metadata in three languages. The final part of the article should describe the contribution of each author to the content of the presented scientific work, the decree of the author of the conceptual idea of the article, responsible for the analysis of the historiography of the problem, source analysis, visual design of the article (photography, graphics, charts, tables, etc.), writing and reading an article, preparing it for the requirements of the journal, communicating with the journal, etc.