Historical analysis of entrepreneurial activity in the second half of the 19th to the early 20th century (using the example of Eastern Kazakhstan)

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Zaysan; entrepreneurship; trade; merchants; fair; Tatars; history; economics; personality
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This research analyzes and studies entrepreneurial activities in the Zaysan region during the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Nestled in East Kazakhstan, Zaysan City serves as a treasure trove of historical insights into entrepreneurial pursuits. Throughout this epoch, notable trade hubs burgeoned within urban centers and expansive settlements like Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Zaysan, and Kokpekti, all situated within the East Kazakhstan Region. This proliferation of commerce was emblematic of the region's stature as a pivotal nexus of trade and economic activity during this period. The study includes an analysis of factors that influenced the development of entrepreneurship in Zaysan, such as the city's geographical location, the presence of waterways, trade routes, and connections with other regions. Additionally, the research examines the impact of political and socio-economic conditions, including demographic changes and shifts in the region's ethnic composition, on the development of entrepreneurship. Moreover, the research analyzes the role of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in Zaysan's economic life. It highlights their contributions to the development of the city and the region as a whole. The study gives special attention to the philanthropic activities of entrepreneurs in areas such as education and cultural advancement, among others.


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