Philosophy of Well-being: Quality of Life and Inclusion of the Elderly Population of Kazakhstan in the Era of Digitalization

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Philosophy of well-being; quality of life; elderly population; inclusion; digitalization; government programs; digital applications
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The topic of well-being is one of the most relevant not only in the academic environment, but also in various kinds of social discourses and public discussions. The problem discussed in this article is that the majority of the elderly experience certain difficulties when using digital tools, the role of which is rapidly increasing in public life. The purpose of our research is to analyze the quality of life and inclusion of the elderly population of Kazakhstan in the era of digitalization through the prism of the philosophy of well-being. The main research method is an analytical review of academic articles and policy documents related to both the concept of well-being and the digitalization of social and economic processes, that is, the impact of technology on the quality of life of an aging population. In addition, we analyzed the existing digital applications of Kazakhstani and foreign developers designed for the elderly. As a result of the study, conclusions are drawn about the influence of the philosophy of well-being on the quality of life of older people in Kazakhstan and on their involvement in social processes.


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