Digital Transformation: the experience of Canada, Singapore and South Korea

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digitization; Canada; Singapore; South Korea; state programs; digital transformation; human capital
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The timely and effective implementation of state programs in the field of digitization leads to technological and economic growth. The development of digitization demonstrates a shared vision on how to utilize information technology to support the socio-economic development of society, with a particular focus on the welfare of specific groups. In the context of the active formation of the global digital environment, the volume of digital technologies providing information, services, and infrastructure is increasing. Currently, many countries do not seek to emulate or fully adopt the data policies and practices of other nations. Each country aims to be a leader in this field and to possess a unique and distinctive system in the digital space. Canada, Singapore, and South Korea have developed their own national approaches to data management in the digital world. For instance, Canada's experience includes the adoption of cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, 5G technologies, and the creation of a positive ecological image for organizations. Singapore, in turn, has sought not only to regulate some areas of public life through "smart" solutions but also to integrate the potential of the state, private sector, and business to improve quality of life, institutional performance, and service delivery. South Korea has placed special emphasis on providing government services that address not only the social sector but also the daily needs, education, leisure, and other requirements of its citizens. This article examines the experiences of South Korea, Singapore, and Canada in addressing issues of digitization.


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