Social mediation as a tool of peace and consent at community level

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Kazakhstan; social mediation; community conflicts; peaceful consent; social conflict; mediation problem; peace; consent
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This article is about social mediation and its applicability in Kazakhstanian socio-cultural setting. The author writes that the relevance of this study is determined by the need for scientific understanding of social mediation as a relatively new tool for conflict management and transformation. Social mediation as a new type of socio-communicative practice can contribute to the achievement of peace and harmony within and between communities. The author defines the term, further presents a brief history of its evolution, rooted in the history of the development of human relations, as well as the effectiveness of its application and the role of mediators in the settlement of social conflicts. The methodological basis of the article is the general scientific methods of cognition and the results of the research on the example of 11 conflicts of South Kazakhstan in the period 2006-2021. The article concludes with some conclusions and discussion. In addition, the practical significance of this article will allow to form a strategy of social mediation to prevent social conflicts.


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