Succession and Cultural Interaction of the Worldview of the Kazakh People with Ancient Greek Mythology and Philosophy

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worldview; thinking; mythology; folklore; ancient Greek; ancient Turkic; Kazakh people; cultural interaction; translation activity
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The main idea of the work is the concept of the formation of philosophy in Ancient India and Ancient Greece, based on the initial close connection of myth, religion, and science, which subsequently contributes to the separation of theoretical philosophy as a form of knowledge based on logic and pure reason. In the article, based on a summary of scientific studies published in recent years, it is shown that this trend is characteristic of the Turkic people, including the Kazakh people, who also did not stay away from this process. Each person, thanks to oral literature and folklore, which accumulates the basis of popular worldview, indulges in fleeting fantasies about life, and develops the ability to independently think about the existence of the world. The article also analyzes the question of the influence of the nomadic way of life on the perfection of deep thinking of the steppe people. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite the specific historical and cultural conditions, the knowledge and ideas of the ancient Greeks and the Kazakh people about the world, being, man, society, nature and life are very closely intertwined and demonstrate a deep connection. Such well-known scientists as Auezkhan Kodar, Seit Kaskabasov, Sagadi Bulekbaev in their studies of biogenetic laws and altered states of consciousness, based on typological analysis, note that this continuity and interrelationship of worldviews is not accidental, and cultural dialogue is not limited to a certain historical period. This is a continuous process that is reflected in the consciousness of each new generation, and thus goes beyond the space-time continuum. In their mythological knowledge, both peoples were among the first to try to generalize, classify and understand the systematicity, diversity and multiplicity of the universe. The result is the conclusion that both the formation of knowledge about the surrounding world and the realization of oneself and the meaning of life took place through the synthesis of conceptual thinking and artistic universals


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