Humanization of the penitentiary system as the promotion of nonviolent practices

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punishment; prison; alternative practices; Kazakhstan penitentiary system; justice; morality; humanity; transformation
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The humanization of society as a voluminous, complex process is revealed through the humanization of individual institutions. In the modern civilized world, one of the important indicators of the progressiveness of society is measured through the state of its penitentiary system. According to Nelson Mandela's famous thesis, society should be judged not on the basis of how it treats representatives of high society, but by what attitude it has towards those who are at the lowest level. The institution of prison, as a fundamental element of the penitentiary system, implements the functions of correction and punishment and is one of the controversial ones, since the phenomenon of punishment itself actualizes various ethical discourses. Within the framework of the institution of prison, such concepts as «justice», «freedom», «value», etc. acquire special sensitivity. Being a kind of indicator of the moral state of society, the institution of prison highlights the state of civil society, its economic and political potential. This article examines the issues of the emergence and development of the penitentiary system with a focus on the Kazakh penitentiary system. Attention is focused on the moral principles of punishment. The research focuses on the criteria of retribution and the ultimate goals of punishment. By systematizing and distinguishing different approaches to punishment, the potential of alternative practices to prison punishment is understood.


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