The role of the dialogical potential of Islamic identity in the formation of the Kazakhstani space of tolerance and unity

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Islamic identity; Kazakhstani society; Islamic tradition; dialogism; cultural Other; adab; humanistic values
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The theme of identity has been the most popular and relevant in socio-humanitarian knowledge for a century. Philosophical and anthropological, social, cultural studies of identity in the works of E. Erikson, M. Buber, K. Jaspers, Z. Freud, V. Frankl, F. Fukuyama, J. Ward, N. Taleb, T. Asad and others show that identity is an unfinished project and an unfinished process for each individual. The identity crisis in foreign discourse, which is presented in many ways, is associated with personal and social problems, in which depersonalization and alienation from self-identification are seen. The search for identity in religious awareness and identification in such conditions is clearly expressed. Religious identity becomes the most stable in the project of different identities, in the conditions of the «loss» of strict ideological imperatives. The main factor that explains the stability of the Islamic tradition and the preservation of traditional Islamic identity in the multicultural and multi-confessional landscape of Kazakhstan is its dialogic component. This article examines the dialogic potential of Islamic identity in Kazakhstan. In light of modern events such as globalization and migration processes, the issue of Islamic identity is becoming increasingly relevant. The authors conclude that Islamic identity interacts with other types of identity in the multicultural environment of Kazakhstan. The article also discusses the historical contribution of domestic cultural figures who contributed to the formation of the dialogic identity of Kazakhstani society.


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