Мain trends of christianity development in Kazakhstan

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  • Zaure Malgaraeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Ruzia Kamarova Astana IT University




сhristianity; missionary activity; denominations; Orthodoxy; Catholicism; Protestant churches; religious associations
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This article is devoted to the analysis of the main trends in the development of Christian denominations in Kazakhstan. The article makes a small historical excursion of the formation of Christianity in Kazakhstan. The main trends in the development of Christianity are justified by such things as the expansion of the palette of Christian denominations. As a result, such churches as the Methodist Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and others appeared in modern Kazakhstan. One of the main trends is the expansion of the spectrum of missionary activity and the formation of new aspects in them, such as social, educational and other projects. The main vector of missionary activity is aimed at working in the Internet space. It is especially noted that one of the answers to the challenges of the time is a more active inclusion in the activities of Christian churches of the Kazakh, Uzbek, Uyghur, and other ethnic groups, which leads to the emergence of purely ethnic communities, the introduction of ethnic elements. The article provides statistics on the number of churches and believers of individual denominations. The article concludes that Christianity has significant potential for development and spread in Kazakhstan, which is associated with the relevance of the proposed values and methods of working with parishioners, as well as the willingness to transform certain aspects of activity in accordance with the challenges of the time


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