Methods interpreting mutashabih verses

Research article

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Mutashabih; anthropomorphism; interpretation; linguistics; rhetoric; semantics; muhkam; religious norms


To ensure the preservation of religious identity and the socio-political harmony of society in contemporary settings, it is crucial to explore methods for accurately interpreting the Quranic verses, which form the foundation of our traditional beliefs, while addressing both theoretical and practical aspects. Contemporary religious scholars highlight the importance of investigating the unity of spiritual experiences, knowledge, and consciousness, alongside a proper comprehension of the Quranic verses and their implications. The scientific examination of sacred texts is fundamental for protecting society from misleading foreign religious ideologies and for establishing sound religious principles and belief systems. In this research, the authors analyzed the perspectives of ahlisunna scholars on anthropomorphic texts and investigated the connection between theological verses of the Quran and the fields of linguistics, rhetoric, and semantics. Emphasis was placed on concepts such as muhkam and mutashabih, along with various interpretations of mutashabih texts. The study identified methods for interpreting verses related to the attributes of the Creator and unveiled the reasons behind their varied interpretations. The perspectives of Kalam scholars on mutashabih texts were also articulated.



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How to Cite

Omarov М., & Amanbayev . А. . (2024). Methods interpreting mutashabih verses: Research article. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 149(4), 369–386.

