The role of moral education in personal development

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  • Lalikhon A. Mukhamedzhanova Мирзо Улугбек атындағы Өзбекстан ұлттық университеті



moral education; moral values; man and society; moral culture; norms of human morality; personal values; freedom; equality; fraternity.


The article raises the problem of moral and spiritual education of a person. Formation of the individual as a personality, is directly linked to the process of education, the main task of which the author sees as the improvement of a person. The article identifies the challenges of moral education. It is shown that the development of moral values has historically changed and is associated with the development of social relations in general. Both the religious values of Islam and the national values are of particular importance for the education of the youth of Uzbekistan. On the example of the collections of hadiths of the hadith scholar and Islamic jurist Abu Isa at-Tirmizi, the books of Imam al-Bukhari, the muhadiss scholar and mufassir, it is proved that the hadiths contain valuable ideas for human spirituality. They are of great importance for understanding the correct relations between a person and society. It is also emphasized that they call people to do good in this world. The article deals with the topic of means and tools of moral education. It is emphasized that in the process of moral education it is necessary to combine traditional and modern means and the special role of the teacher. Moral education is one of the main tasks of Uzbekistan. Progress in society and the state is achieved through upbringing and education, and Uzbek youth take their place in the world, combining their personal interests with interests of their people. The article discusses the importance of morality in ensuring harmony between traditional and modern values and reveals the role of moral and Islamic values in the upbringing of young people.


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How to Cite

Mukhamedzhanova , L. A. (2021). The role of moral education in personal development. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 135(2), 122–133.

