Interdisciplinary approach in modern memory research

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қазіргі батыс философиясы; жадты зерттеу; пәнаралық көзқарас; концептуализация; жады; философиялық дискурс.
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The study of memory in philosophy is associated with the search for answers to a wide range of questions that are detailed in different areas of scientific knowledge. In this regard, philosophers turn to the theoretical concepts of sociology, cultural studies, history, psychology, anthropology and other sciences. In Western philosophy, the study of memory has a long tradition based on the principle of rationality. Researchers have developed and continue to develop the terminological apparatus and tools necessary for the study of memory. Despite the accumulated experience of understanding memory, today there are many unresolved problems in Western philosophy, which the author proposes to study in this article within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach in the context of the perception of information disseminated by the media. This is very relevant in the context of globalization and the rapid development of information and communication technologies. The article substantiates that the study of memory in modern Western philosophy needs conceptualization, which is possible only within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of this phenomenon. The results of philosophers’ research should not be complex and often contradictory concepts, but complementary components of a single built-in system of knowledge about memory, in which there is a place for detailing memory research through the prism of different sciences. In the context of globalization, this will make it possible to exclude media manipulations aimed at replacing conceptual knowledge about memory for the sake of the opportunistic interests of political elites, as well as to take into account the existing advantages of the development of modern communication technologies that make it possible to spread the philosophical conceptualization of memory research in the society.


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