The results of complex interdisciplinary work on the monuments of Shubarat and Molaly in the context of the Zhetysu culture of ancient time and the Late Middle Ages

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interdisciplinary research; Shubarat and Molaly; archeology; ethnoarchaeology; Zhetysu culture.
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The article presents the progress and results of a complex of interdisciplinary research works carried out on one of the most significant monuments in the scientifically little-explored subdistrict of Zhetysu – the burial grounds of Shubarat and Molaly in the vicinity of the village of Shamalgan in the Karasai district of the Almaty region. The stages of scientific work are described in detail, consisting of reconnaissance work within the administrative territory of the Shamalgan rural district, excavation of a wide range of monuments and carrying out a complex of security and popularization works aimed at protecting archaeological and ethnoarchaeological monuments within the Shubarat and Molaly burial grounds and preventing possible destructive conscious and unconscious actions of local residents, robbers, land users and others in relation to historical and cultural monuments. A number of new archaeological sites and ethnographic wintering sites of the late XIX - early XX centuries were recorded during exploration and prospecting. Within the limits of these monuments, both funerary and memorial monuments of the Saka-Wusun period and Kazakh wintering grounds of the ethnographic period have been studied. In the process of security and rescue operations, a set of works and measures have been carried out that have a positive impact and will have an impact on the preservation of priceless historical and cultural monuments. The results of the conducted complex of scientific works are summarized and the preliminary dates of all the studied monuments are given.


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