Theoretical and methodological aspects of the social status of bais in Kazakh society

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social formation; Kazakh society; baistvo; bais; debaization; confiscation; wealth; livestock owners


The social order of Kazakh society, taking into account its specific features, was determined by both economic and traditional factors. These factors affected the social stratification of the population. the new formation, affluent individuals, known as bais, began to play an increasingly important role. The status of a bai combined two aspects – an economic and a political one. In the social structure, their economic importance was defined by the size of their property, as wealth was a key factor in achieving a “prosperous and peaceful life”. This, in turn, ensured their political importance and influence. In historiography, there is no universally recognized understanding of the functional differences of bai from other social groups. The available material implies a wide range of interpretations: a bai could be a merchant, a wealthy livestock owner, an entrepreneur who appeared in the wake of economic reforms in the second half of the 19th century. In addition, the term “bai” could be used to refer to any wealthy person, while a social group is an association of people based on common characteristics, they are grouped into one social stratum. This article is aimed to analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects of the social status of baistvo in the Kazakh society.


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How to Cite

Yermenbayeva, G. . ., Sultangazy, G. ., & Medeubaev, Y. (2024). Theoretical and methodological aspects of the social status of bais in Kazakh society. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 147(2), 57–76.

