The Visibility of Religion and Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere in Central Asian Countries

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Sociology of Religion; Central Asia; Religion in the Public Sphere; Religious Symbols.


The Central Asian countries endured nearly seven decades of Soviet rule under the USSR, during which all manifestations of religious expression were suppressed, and religion was systematically marginalized from the public domain. However, following their independence in 1991, there has been a discernible surge in the prominence of religion within the Central Asian states. Despite the contentious nature of its resurgence, there has been a rapid revitalization of religious practices, evidenced by the establishment of mosques and madrasas, and a noticeable integration of religion into public life. Concurrently, these nations have remained steadfast in their commitment to maintaining secular institutions, including politics and education. Through a sociological lens, this article endeavors to investigate the role of religion and the utilization of religious symbols within the public sphere of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan—representative of the Central Asian states in the post-independence era.


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How to Cite

Byerdimurat, D. . (2024). The Visibility of Religion and Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere in Central Asian Countries. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 147(2), 288–307.

