Resettlement of Ethnic Koreans in South Korea: A Comprehensive Review.

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repatriation; Koryo saram; Koryoin; historical return migration; ethnic Koreans; Koreans; Central Asian Koreans; migration policy.


In this article, authors delve into the historical journey of ethnic Koreans relocating to South Korea from CIS countries, where they are commonly referred to as «koryoin» or «koryo-saram». The study conducted by the authors meticulously analyzes the migration patterns of Korean repatriates, identifying key stages and motivations for returning to their ancestral homeland. Furthermore, the research sheds light on the legislative frameworks and policy changes implemented by the South Korean government to facilitate the smooth integration of repatriates. By examining the evolution of these laws and initiatives, we gain insight into the structured mechanisms developed over years of experience to support this migration flow. One crucial aspect explored in this study is the challenge of integrating ethnic Koreans into the host society, which manifests at various levels influenced by subjective perspectives. The article highlights the obstacles they encounter in their new environment. Notably, repatriates have formed close-knit networks to navigate these challenges, albeit posing potential disruptions to societal stability and security in South Korea. Consequently, the imperative of addressing the integration of «koryo saram» and other ethnic Koreans into the broader society emerges as a pressing concern for South Korea. By fostering a deeper understanding of these integration dynamics and advocating for inclusive practices, South Korea can strive towards a more cohesive and harmonious multicultural landscape.


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How to Cite

Aitymbetov, N. ., Bastaubayeva, A. ., & Shakeyeva, B. . (2024). Resettlement of Ethnic Koreans in South Korea: A Comprehensive Review . Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 147(2), 181–195.

