National idea in philosophy: meaning and values

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philosophy; National idea; national ideology; people; ethnic group; history; culture; worldview; folk art; national being; national value.
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The formation of a national idea among any people is influenced by historical, cultural, spiritual, psychological and other factors that were characteristic of the national identity. Culture and spirituality are the source of the national idea and always coexist with the people and society. Every nation its own way of forming the national idea, which reflects the traditional values and characteristics of society. In addition, the connection between the national idea and the culture of the people, which is characterized as the most basic category of philosophy, is especially important. In the countries and peoples of the world, the significance of the national idea and its values is very deep, and it has developed along with philosophical values. This scientific article examines the national idea and its essence and values in philosophy. Various approaches to understanding the national idea in philosophy are analyzed, and the main trends are identified. Special attention is given to the influence of the national idea on the formation of social values and the worldview. The study also explores the role of the national idea in modern society and its impact on socio-cultural processes. The main scientific task of the research work is that it considers the national idea that has developed in any state as a philosophical category. The national idea of the Kazakh people and their philosophy have been chosen as the main example and object of scientific work. In this regard, a historical and philosophical analysis of the national idea of the Kazakh people and its formation is carried out.


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