Aestheticization of media communication in the context of social reality aestheticization.
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aestheticization; aesthetics; aesthetic; social reality; perceptual; axiological; pragmatic aspects; media communication; impact.Abstract
Aestheticization of social reality is a multifaceted process that affects various areas of social space and manifests itself as a reconstruction of social relations, social practices and the knowledge. Despite the active use of the term «aestheticization» in the scientific space and in creative activity, the categorical essence of this term remains uncertain, and there is no comprehensive understanding of the essence of the process of aestheticization. In the focus of existing scientific researches in this area are particular manifestations of aestheticization: the aestheticization of politics, science, history, war, violence, death, the aestheticization of everyday life, etc. In our research, we resorted to the historical, epistemological and ontological foundations of aesthetics, which allowed us to suggest a general scientific vision of aestheticization as a macro-process of semantic reconstruction of social reality; develop its three-aspect structure, highlighting the perceptual, axiological and pragmatic aspects. The conceptual foundations of aestheticization thus formed, allowed us to further offer an understanding of the process of aestheticization of media communication that is currently essential. Its essence is to rely on sentient intelligence and smart emotions of the recipient in building the communicative process and in choosing its forms and means. In aestheticized media communication, visual-sensuous and expressively emotive elements dominate over rational ones; imagery, affect and effect are emphasized. By creating new sensually expressive and attractive mass images, media communication not only modifies the forms of sensory perception, but changes the structural archetypes of the modern «media man» and transforms social perception. This reveals the potential of aestheticization in the «fundamental ideological reconstruction» of society (T. Eagleton) through the «aesthetic modulation of the human psyche» (F. Schiller).
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