Pioneer camps as a form of organizing cultural and recreational leisure for children in 1954-1964. (based on the materials of the Karaganda region)

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Soviet childhood; the history of Soviet childhood in Kazakhstan; pioneer camps in Central Kazakhstan; cultural and recreational activities
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The article examines the multifaceted functionality of pioneer camps organized on the territory of Central Kazakhstan. An important component of the Soviet state's social policy was the development of cultural and leisure activities for children. Pioneer organizations were an important tool for the implementation of this function, designed to educate children in responsibility to society, to help the school prepare pioneers for the conscious and creative fulfillment of their duties. Thus, there was a synthesis of the activities of the school and the pioneer organization, in which the former acted as the implementer of the educational component, and the pioneer organization – the educational one. As a result of such complementarity, a comprehensively developed generation of Soviet children was formed, capable in the future of fully conforming to the propagandized image of "homo soveticus" ("Soviet man"), capable in the future of becoming the foundation of socialism under construction. The focus of the pioneer organization was the task of developing a socialist attitude to study, work and social work, which meant the incorporation of values such as indifference, collectivism, an active or active attitude to life. It was the pioneer movement that became the fundamental catalyst for the formation of pioneer camps, which were a place of ideological and political education of the younger generation throughout the territory of the Soviet Union.


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