Continuity of religious knowledge in the heritage of Kazakh intellectuals and Mashhur Zhusip Kopeiuly in the last quarter of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century

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enlightenment; Islam; religion; tradition; values
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One of the topics that does not lose relevance in the revival of religious consciousness is to continue spiritual harmony without straying from traditional values. This process has been reflected in the destiny of each culture and nation in different stages of history. The article seeks answers to the problems of today's society by studying the legacy left by Kazakh intellectuals in the period of the revival of religious consciousness about religious values and traditional worldviews. In the study of religious figures, the historical significance of their formation as a person and the functions they performed were comprehensively studied. As well as the social structure of other Turkic-Muslim nations, the works of the figures and original intellectuals of the nation, who define the religious symbol of the Kazakh people, have been distinguished. The article describes the continuity of religious values in the worldview of Kazakh intellectuals with the legacy of the famous Zhusip Kopeiuli. Religious and cognitive philosophical analysis was carried out based on the religious ideas in the works of great Kazakh intellectuals Abay, Shakarim, and Mashhur Yusip. A theological analysis of the categories of god, religion, and faith in the worldview of the enlightened ones was made. The main results and analyses of the research work are closely related to the revival of religious consciousness and the glorification of ancestral heritage. It is analyzed that the activity of Kazakh intellectuals in the society is not limited only to the provision of religious education, but the formation of national knowledge in the Kazakh steppe through education formed through this religious education. The value of research is very important in preventing religious divisions in today's society and in shaping the religious worldview of the nation's future. The practical significance of the results of the article can be the basis for the research of future specialists, religious studies, theologians, and Islamic studies


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