Publication ethics

Ethics of scientific publications

Ethical requirements of the journal "Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series" are based on the agreements adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) of Elsevier.

The editorial team adheres to standards of professional behavior in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the creation, distribution and use of scientific publications.

Author is a person or group of persons (collective of authors) involved in the creation of the publication of the results of scientific research.

Editor-in-chief is a person who heads the editorial board and makes the final decisions regarding the production and publication of the journal.

Publisher - a legal entity or an individual, carrying out the publication of scientific publication.

Scientific article - a completed and published work of authorship.

Plagiarism - the intentional appropriation of authorship of another's work of science or art, other people's ideas or inventions. Plagiarism can be a violation of copyright law and patent law and as such may entail legal liability.

Editor - A representative of a scientific journal or publisher who prepares materials for publication and communicates with the authors and readers of scientific publications.

Editorial Board - an advisory body of a group of authoritative individuals who assist the chief editor in the selection, preparation, and evaluation of works for publication.

Reviewer - An expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publisher who conducts a scientific review of an author's materials in order to determine the possibility of their publication.

Manuscript - an author's work submitted to the editorial board for publication, but not published.

Reader - any person who has read the published materials.

Ethics of publishing scholarly articles

The main criteria for acceptance or rejection of a manuscript by the editorial office are the relevance and scientific significance of the submitted article, its compliance with the journal topics, originality of the article and reliability of data, clarity of presentation of the material, compliance of the article with all the requirements of the journal.

Editorial board is in direct communication with the authors of articles.

Editorial Board guarantees full confidentiality in the process of receiving, processing and reviewing articles.

The basis for acceptance of the article for publication by the editorial board is a positive assessment of two reviewers, in the case of opposite evaluations of reviewers positive and negative, the editorial board collegial decision about the article and options for its revision, notifying the author about it.

The editorial board does not allow conflicts of interest in the process of interaction with authors and reviewers.

The journal practices charging a fee for publication, none of the categories of authors , including employees of the L. Gumilyov ENU, where the journal is published, is exempt from this fee, all authors are on equal terms.

Ethics of Authors of Scientific Publications

Authors guarantee that sent for publication in the "Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series" manuscript is original, written in one of the languages of the journal, not previously published in whole or in part.  Submission of the same manuscript to different journal(s) at the same time is perceived as unethical behavior and provides grounds for withdrawing the article from consideration.

The author (or team of authors) is aware that they bear responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies compliance with the following principles.

The authors of the article should present reliable results of their research. Obviously erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.

Authors must ensure that the research results presented in the submitted article are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be issued with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformulated quotes, paraphrasing or assigning rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable.

It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who somehow influenced the course of the research, in particular, the article should contain links to works that were important during the research.

Authors should not submit to the journal an article that has been sent to another journal and is under review, as well as an article that has already been published in another journal. Submitting an article to multiple publications at the same time is unethical and unacceptable.

All persons who have made a significant contribution to the research should be listed as co-authors of the article. It is not allowed to include people who did not participate in the study as co-authors.

The author submitting the article must ensure that all co-authors (if any) agree to its final version and submit it for publication in the journal.

If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its review or after its publication, he/she should notify the editorial board of the journal as soon as possible.

The journal reserves the right to reject any manuscript submitted for publication that does not comply with the above principles.

The source of research funding, if any, should be announced and indicated, and its role in conducting research and / or preparing the article should be stated.

Ethics of reviewing scientific publications

The author (or team of authors) is aware that they bear responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies compliance with the following principles.

The authors of the article should present reliable results of their research. Obviously erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.

Authors must ensure that the research results presented in the submitted article are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be issued with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformulated quotes, paraphrasing or assigning rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable.

It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who somehow influenced the course of the research, in particular, the article should contain links to works that were important during the research.

Authors should not submit to the journal an article that has been sent to another journal and is under review, as well as an article that has already been published in another journal. Submitting an article to multiple publications at the same time is unethical and unacceptable.

All persons who have made a significant contribution to the research should be listed as co-authors of the article. It is not allowed to include people who did not participate in the study as co-authors.

The author submitting the article must ensure that all co-authors (if any) agree to its final version and submit it for publication in the journal.

If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its review or after its publication, he/she should notify the editorial board of the journal as soon as possible.

The journal reserves the right to reject any manuscript submitted for publication that does not comply with the above principles.

The source of research funding, if any, should be announced and indicated, and its role in conducting research and / or preparing the article should be stated.

Publisher's Responsibility

Publisher adheres to a policy of observance of publishing ethics.

The publisher maintains the objectivity and quality of research results of published authors' articles.

In the case of proven inappropriate behavior in the scientific world of the author or authors of the publication, the publisher in close cooperation with the editorial board has the right to take the necessary measures, according to the prescriptions of the Committee on Publication Ethics, Publishing Ethics Resource Kit.

The authors, sending the article to the publisher, provide the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University:

- The right to reproduce the scientific work in the journal "Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series" (publication, promulgation, duplication, duplication or other reproduction) with limitation of circulation of its printed version (50-40 copies); without time limit for article or journal in electronic version;

- the right to freely distribute the article on any medium throughout the world as a separate work and/or as part of the journal;

- the right to store, process and use the metadata of the article by distribution and making it available to the public; processing and systematization, as well as inclusion in various databases of information systems.