The Historiography of Uzbek Khanates of the 18th – the 19th Centuries: Materials on the Historical Geography of Central Asia

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Central Asia; historical geography; Uzbek khanates; written sources; administrative-territorial structure


This article examines historical works from the 18th to the 19th centuries, created in Mawarannahr in Chagatai and Persian languages and containing materials on the historical geography of Central Asia. The purpose of this study is to identify and introduce into scientific discourse the most valuable information on the historical geography of Central Asia contained in the historical works of local authors of the 18th – the 19th centuries. The identified factual material from written monuments of Uzbek khanates has shown that the considered narrative sources contain rich historical and geographical material on the states, appanage possessions, and vilayets of the region. The data of historical works allow us to trace administrative and territorial changes that took place in Central Asia. Historiographers of Bukhara, Khiva, and Kokand, while telling about feuds in the region, describing military campaigns of the supreme rulers of khanates, provide numerous data on vilayets, cities, villages, and fortresses, report on the construction of new fortresses, mention known and little-known roads, water resources of the region, used crossings and bridges. The authors of historical works of the 18th – the 19th centuries, when describing the events that took place in the region, included in their works unique information and facts that are absent in other chronicles but essential for a more comprehensive representation of the historical geography of the region of the past centuries. Nevertheless, much of the geographical information contained in the Khiva, Kokand and Bukhara works of the 18th – the 19th centuries are still insufficiently studied and remains to be thoroughly researched.


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How to Cite

Tulibayeva Ж. . (2024). The Historiography of Uzbek Khanates of the 18th – the 19th Centuries: Materials on the Historical Geography of Central Asia. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 147(2), 99–116.

