The problem of spiritual alienation in modern society: a philosophical analysis

Research article

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alienation; spiritual alienation; spirituality; society; value strategies; axiological analysis; forms of alienation


The article is aimed at philosophical discussion of the topic of alienation in order to contribute to the improvement of social consciousness and the creation of a spiritually perfect society. Alienation is a phenomenon that is constantly accompanied by the development of society, humanity, it is a topical philosophical problem in the era of globalisation, technological progress and changes in the socio-cultural sphere. Philosophical analysis is of great importance, allowing a complex-systemic study of this problem. The research examines spiritual alienation as a complicated socio-philosophical problem. A contradictory, changing society reveals the causes and consequences of human dissatisfaction with the environment in which they find themselves. In today's rapidly changing society, individuals often experience a sense of disconnection from their environment, leading to a growing prevalence of spiritual alienation. This phenomenon can be attributed to the accelerated pace of social life, which has resulted in modern individuals feeling a growing sense of alienation from society, the environment, and the meaning of existence. Analysing the views of prominent representatives of different periods of philosophy on the issue of spiritual about alienation, a definition is given by revealing the distinction between the concepts of spirituality and spiritual. It is important that a person can consciously manage himself according to his inner self, to his spirituality. The problem of alienation in the modern society – the loss of spiritual connection with him/herself and the environment – has been identified by axiological analysis, which shows that in the era of technological progress, virtual reality, social networks and constant presence on the Internet deepen under the influence of the renunciation of real life, taking the human into the world of illusion. The factors contributing to spiritual alienation are analyzed in the paper, value strategies and programs aimed at minimizing spiritual alienation and creating ways of conscious spiritual development are formulated.


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How to Cite

Bolatbekova Н., & Adayeva . Г. . (2024). The problem of spiritual alienation in modern society: a philosophical analysis: Research article. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 149(4), 280–295.

