The Some Problems of Sacralization at Memorial Sites in the Pavlodar Priirtysh Region: A Historical and Sociological Study

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sacralization; memorial sites; Pavlodar Irtysh region; sociological research; cultural heritage; commemoration; historical memory
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This article is dedicated to analyzing the process of sacralization of memorial sites in the Pavlodar Irtysh region with a focus on the sociological aspect of this phenomenon. The study uses data from archival materials, scientific works of well-known researchers and local historians, as well as results from contemporary scientific studies to comprehensively examine both historical and modern aspects of sacralization. The main attention is given to analyzing the social and cultural factors that contributed to the sacred status of these sites, including the role of society in supporting and preserving cultural traditions, which enhances the cult significance of these memorial places. The article also highlights modern trends concerning these sites, including changes in perception and methods of preserving historical monuments. It examines the influence of these memorial sites on the formation of the cultural identity of the population, as well as their role in stimulating cultural exchange and strengthening public dialogue in the region. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating cultural heritage into modern society and identifies potential pathways for sustainable cultural development of the region, highlighting the necessity of active community involvement in preserving cultural heritage.


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