Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the institute of public councils in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

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public councils; Central Asia; accountability; Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan; civil society
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One of the key areas of social philosophy is the study of the interaction between society and the state in the context of the development of democratic institutions. The purpose of this article is a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of public councils in two countries in the region: Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Specifically, the focus is on the procedures for forming the composition of public councils. The choice of countries is based on their shared historical background, similar political systems, and principles of governance. To achieve this goal, various qualitative data collection methods were employed, including an analysis of the current legislation of both countries, results from focus groups with representatives from government bodies in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and content analysis of media publications over the past three years. The focus groups were conducted from August to October 2024, in both offline and online formats. The research revealed similarities in the challenges hindering the effective functioning of public councils. However, certain differences were also found, related to both regulatory frameworks and historical contexts. The outcome of this study includes a set of recommendations to enhance the engagement of various categories of citizens in public oversight.


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